Sunday, August 20, 2006

News o' the Day

John Mark Karr, the new suspect in the decade-old murder case of young JonBenet Ramsey, is on his way back to the United States today. He’s scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles this evenG, and when he finally arrives back in the US, it sure will be interesting to see if the momentum of the situation changes, and where he’s taken first.

While the JonBenet case may have the biggest headlines, I don’t think many people realize that Karr has been sought out by more than just authorities in Colorado. While child pornography charges Karr faces in California may be put on hold until the resolution of the Ramsey case, the international primer to his arrest is likely one of the most publicized confessions in recent years.

Had Karr been apprehended domestically, for starters, there wouldn’t have been a messy presser with Karr where he admits being with JonBenet at her time of death. He even responds he's not innocent, walking the fine line of saying he actually killed her. Now unless there’s some Law & Order-esque objection to use of that video, that’s a pretty strong piece of video (while I claim no legal expertise whatsoever). Even if it doesn’t ever see the light of a courtroom, you’d have to find someone who lives in a hole who might believe at this point that Karr is innocent. Furthermore, why is it people like this find jobs so easily around children?

Those sorts of soundbytes just aren’t the norm when you apprehend someone here in the U.S. The press usually doesn’t just get the chance to interview someone in a murder case, at least not that I can recall. However, it wouldn't be the first time for a fake confession.

On one hand, I think there’s a part of everyone who wants to believe he’s just mentally unstable and has fabricated parts of his story. On the other hand, it’s hard to refute the fact that Karr addressed facets of the case that had not ever been made public.

Moving to another aspect of the case…Michael Tracey , the journalism professor who received many a note from Karr. It appears that Karr sought out Tracey after watching one of Tracey’s documentaries on the case. Proves the point that, as a journalist, you never know where information will come from.

Anyway…Karr is U.S. bound as we speak. Turns out not many people knew Karr would be on the plane . Hmmmmm…overseas flight to Los Angeles, person escorted by authorities in business class…that sounds eerily familiar. Gosh, I sure hope there aren’t snakes on the plane.

On a related note, this song has been stuck in my head since Friday.